Educational Consultant, Cuyahoga Educational Service Center, Independence, OH, 2010 to Present
- Created and provided professional development workshops for educators across multiple counties focusing on effective literacy strategies, formative assessment, curriculum mapping, common assessment design, and infrastructure management
- Lead and coached District Leadership Teams (DLT), Building Leadership Teams (BLT), and Teacher Based Teams (TBT) designed around best practices in instruction to develop collaboration amongst grade-level and grade-span teams
- Modeled lessons incorporating highly engaging, research-based strategies in a variety of urban, suburban, rural, and charter schools to increase student achievement
- Developed, facilitated, and monitored district-wide Writing Across the Curriculum initiative in multiple districts
- Created K-12 cross curricular standards-based rubrics and professional development to be used during collaborative teaming and to support vertical alignment of content literacy standards
MAX Teaching Consultant, 2007 to Present
- Provided professional development workshops focusing on standards-based content-literacy activities to be implemented in classrooms K-12 and across all subject areas in hundreds of schools across the United States
- Planned and modeled lessons using content-literacy activities in K-12 classrooms in urban, suburban, rural, charter, and career tech schools in all subject areas
- Observed and coached teachers while providing specific and timely feedback for refinement and reinforcement of teaching practices
- Created new MAX Teaching strategies now shared around the country as part of the MAX Teaching professional development workshop
- Incorporated use of technology and 21st Century Learning skills into MAX Teaching lessons including critical thinking, collaboration, communication, and creativity
Adjunct Professor, Ashland University 2009 to 2016
- Taught Content Area Literacy course focusing on literacy strategies across all content areas
- Developed a syllabus to include 20 literacy strategies to share with educators taking the course
- Incorporated current educational research and articles as the readings for the course
- Assessed participants in their abilities to create literacy-based lessons and present lessons to the class