Meet the Team

Ronica Luke

Vice President – MAX Teaching, Inc. 

Ronica Luke is the Vice President of MAX Teaching. Ronica graduated from Wilmington Area High School and grew up with dreams of becoming a teacher, a librarian, and a mom. She attended Edinboro University where she earned her Bachelor’s degree in Secondary Education, English. Her first teaching assignment was in North East, Maryland where she taught grades 9-12, coached softball and track (two of her favorite sports growing up), and also advised Student Council.  After four years, she decided to move closer to home and began teaching at Lenape Technical School in Ford City, Pennsylvania. There, she taught grades 11-12 and specialized in curriculum and instruction areas including, but not limited to: writing in the content area, integrated thematic instruction, career research, job skills demonstrations, and senior project evaluator. She was also a NOCTI liaison between the academic classes and technical programs. Ronica advised Student Council and founded both a teacher and a student Relay for Life team at Lenape. She also served on many committees over the years including the Curriculum Development and Graduation Committees. In 2007, Ronica enrolled at Mansfield University and earned her Master’s degree in Education, Library Media Specialist in 2010. She then became Lenape’s librarian in addition to maintaining her position as an English teacher. MAX Teaching became an integral part of her teaching in 2003, and that completely changed her outlook on education. She has spoken at several conferences on literacy strategies. Today, as vice president of MAX Teaching, Ronica develops curriculum for schools across the country, working one-on-one and remotely to help teachers and students achieve academic success. On a personal note, Ronica is the proud mom of three daughters, one stepson, and two stepdaughters, and she currently resides in Worthington, Pennsylvania with her family.